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 Reindeer bring Christmas magic to Huddersfield care home

Reindeer bring Christmas magic to Huddersfield care home

By 16th December, 2024 Press Releases No Comments

CHRISTMAS came early for residents of a Huddersfield care home when reindeer made a surprise visit – leaving everyone feeling festive and full of cheer.

Two-year-old female reindeer Usko and Midnight arrived at Thornhill Care Home, in Edgerton, as a surprise gift for 92-year-old resident Jean Leach.

Her daughter, Jacqueline, who lives overseas, helped organise the memorable visit with the help of the care home’s staff.

They worked to keep the day a secret, surprising Jean and fellow residents, as well as the children of Portland Nursery, who were also invited to meet the reindeer.

Jean said: “It was wonderful feeding the reindeer lichen and seeing the children’s faces light up. I was blown away.”

Jacqueline, who couldn’t attend in person, said: “Mum has always been interested in wildlife and is an avid viewer of David Attenborough programmes and Country File. I wanted to give her an experience she wouldn’t forget and a reindeer felt like the perfect Christmas gift.”

Usko and Midnight were provided by North Yorkshire Reindeers, a company that specialises in bringing holiday magic to communities.

After Jacqueline spoke to the care home staff about the gift idea, home manager Sarah Kunica and activities coordinator Ilona Ruttle made the necessary arrangements, finding the perfect place to set up the reindeer enclosure.

Ilona also suggested inviting Portland Nursery, which is just a five-minute walk from the care home, so the children could join in the festive cheer.

For residents who couldn’t go outside, they had a chance to watch from a first-floor viewing area, while the nursery children could stroke and feed the animals.

Jacqueline added: “It was lovely the children from the local nursery, who come often to the home, were invited. Mum had some quality time with the reindeer before everyone else was able to come and see them.

“The weather was great, and everyone was so surprised. Sarah contacted me via WhatsApp video while mum was having her private time with the reindeer, so I was able to see her so happy and enjoying it. It was a great way to thank all the staff who look after mum so well.”

For Thornhill Care Home, the event follows a similarly joyful experience gift earlier this year, when Jacqueline arranged for an ice cream van to visit for Jean’s birthday.

Sarah said: “It’s magical moments like these that are so touching to be involved in. Jean absolutely loved her Christmas gift from her daughter, and we can’t thank Jacqueline enough for allowing us to share this experience with all our residents and the local nursery. The reindeer brought smiles and created memories we’ll all treasure this Christmas.”

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